

I saw CrossFit on ESPN. Do I need to be super fit to start?
No! We work with all fitness levels, and scale each workout to your ability. Our oldest clients are in their 70's, our youngest group is under 10. Anyone can do CrossFit and see great results! Get yourself here with an open mind and a solid work ethic. We'll do the rest!

What’s the difference between CrossFit Unloaded and CrossFit?The CrossFit Unloaded workouts use CrossFit Principles to design high intensity workouts that are lighter in weight and skill needs than full CrossFit WODs (Workout-Of-the-Day).
You will use several CrossFit benchmark WODs, as well as the program we at 262 design to get super-fit, regardless of your current fitness level.

The CrossFit Unloaded Workout requires NO CrossFit 101.
In CrossFit classes you can expect to have more skill specific instruction, as well as heavier workouts. You also have more options as far as class times (see above schedule).
Want to learn to snatch, clean & jerk, deadlift, front squat, push press, climb ropes, work on rings, kip, muscle up and more? You’re looking for CrossFit. This requires CrossFit 101.

What is CrossFit 101?
CrossFit 101 is an introduction to CrossFit. Whether you are a former professional athlete with an extensive training background or a 65 year old Grandmother, you MUST complete these sessions before entering into our CrossFit classes. The only exception is an experienced CrossFitter that can experience proficiency in all CrossFit movements. Please e-mail to set up an appointment for Test Out.
You must complete all three consecutive & unique CrossFit 101 sessions before you are allowed entrance into CrossFit classes. Expect to learn about movement patterns, workout scaling, nutrition and more. Class size is limited, please reserve your 101 spot prior to your first session.

While you are completing your 101 classes, you are more than welcome to take any CrossFit Unloaded class you wish and can continue these classes upon completion.

CrossFit Unloaded classes do not require or include the three 101 classes. 101 classes are included in your membership. 

I’m super fit, can I skip the CrossFit 101 classes?
No, every single person that takes CrossFit WOD classes goes through our 101 classes, regardless of ability.
If you are an experienced CrossFitter from another facility and want to test out of these classes, please e-mail to set up an appointment.

Is your gym right for me?
For some yes, for some no…but for some this will be the start to a new life & lifestyle. You’ll know pretty quickly if 262 is the right gym for you. You don’t have to be in the best shape to join us, but you do have to be willing to learn and progress slowly & steadily. Give 100%, that’s all we ask.

What should I eat/drink before working out at CrossFit 305?
Make sure you are getting plenty of water throughout the day.  Active people should be drinking a minimum of a gallon of WATER per day.  If you consume caffeine, that amount may increase.  Food is a personal decision, but please don’t show up on a full stomach, as you may be very uncomfortable once you start moving around.  Many people choose to eat no closer than 2-3 hours before arriving at CrossFit 305.

What other resources do you have for me to help get me started?
Download and read these articles:What is Fitness? -
What is the Zone Diet? -

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